
As Kristi House continues to grow, so too does the need for dedicated volunteers.

Children visiting the Center range in age from 3-18 years old. Volunteers play a vital role in creating a safe environment for children to receive services. Kristi House Volunteers:

  • Volunteers range in age from 18-80+ years old
  • Use their creativity and talents when working with children, staff, other volunteers and members of the community
  • Gain community service hours
  • Serve in mentoring roles
  • Generously give their time and attention to children in need
  • Are carefully screened for those positions working with children

Waiting Room Ambassadors

Volunteers play an important role in putting children at ease and encouraging them to return to the Center for therapy and other appointments. Children arriving often must wait while their parents or family members are attending appointments. While waiting, children are greeted by volunteers who provide structured activities to engage them and lessen their anxiety while in the playroom/waiting area. Waiting Room Volunteers have access to a wide variety of educational and recreational resources when serving as ambassadors in the play/waiting area. The developmentally appropriate resources include both purchased and donated items:

  • Child-sized furniture
  • Extensive children’s library
  • Play area and kitchen
  • Stuffed animals
  • Educational videos
  • Board games
  • Puzzles
  • Coloring books
  • Lego tables and supplies
  • Art and crafts


Volunteer hours are flexible. Hours of operation requiring volunteer services as a Waiting Room Ambassador are usually 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. All Kristi House volunteers are required to perform 20-hours of volunteer service as a Waiting Room Ambassador.

Application Process

No prior experience working with children is necessary. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old. An interview, completed application, police clearance letter, background check, fingerprinting, orientation and 20-hour commitment are required for consideration. To get started, please complete the volunteer application form below.

Volunteer Orientation

This is a required orientation only for volunteers who have completed their volunteer application form and the necessary paperwork and background checks. Please contact us for more information on getting started and attending a volunteer orientation.

For additional information about volunteering, please contact:

Luz Marrero
Volunteer & Community Engagement Specialist
(305) 547-6845

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