Prevention Education

With national studies finding that 1 in 10 children are sexually abused by the age of 18, and 1 out of 2 children suffering some type of trauma during their childhood, Kristi House remains dedicated to child abuse prevention through training and education. We deliver best practice programs for schools, community groups, corporations and faith-based organizations, with different courses specifically geared for children, parents and providers.

Since founding, Kristi House has provided classes, training and education programs to more than 157,000 participants.

Register for a training today…

Register for a free training from the upcoming dates below. Should your agency, school or youth-serving program need a private class we are happy to come and train (in person or virtually) for groups of twenty or more. Complete a Training Inquiry Form to submit your request. Our team can also provide courses in Spanish. For additional information, please contact Toshiba Mitchell, Ed.D., Director of Prevention Education.


  • MONDAYS in September 9, 16, 23, 30: Mental Health Mondays – Grief (Register)
  • Tuesday, September 10, 10 am – 12 pm: How Mass Violence Impacts Youth (Register)
  • Tuesday, September 10, 12 – 2 pm: Suicide Prevention: Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) (Register)
  • Tuesday, September 17, 12 – 2 pm: Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior (Register) CEs
  • Wednesday, September 18, 4 – 5 pm:  The 10 Signs – Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships (Register)
  • Tuesday, September 24, 10 am – 12 pm: Amor del Bueno – Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships (Register)
  • Wednesday, September 25, 10 am – 1 pm: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children 101 (Register) CEs


  • Friday, October 11, 10 am – 12 pm: What Every Adult Needs to Know (Register) CEs
  • Thursday, October 24, 10 am – 12 pm: Children and Traumatic Stress (Register) CEs


  • Thursday, November 7, 12 – 1 pm: Wellness & Wellbeing (Register)

Kristi House now offers Continuing Education (CE) credits for select trainings as noted, for FREE.
Kristi House is accredited by the Florida Department of Health, Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling. CE credits are NOT available yet for providers outside of Florida.

Interested in having Kristi House train you?

For groups of 10 or more individuals, we can come train you. Trainings are available:

  • In-person or virtual
  • Free of charge
  • Available in English and Spanish

Stewards of Children

Prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse…

Stewards of Children

This nationally recognized, best practice program uses videos, workbook activities and discussion to engage and educate about child sexual abuse and how to keep children safe. College students, working professionals, volunteers at child-serving organizations and other staff at agencies and community-based organizations learn that child sexual abuse knows no socio-economic, cultural or racial boundaries. Participants learn how to develop practices to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.

Hurricanes: Supporting Families through Trauma

Promote resilience in children exposed to tropical weather threats before, during and after the storm…

Hurricanes: Supporting Families through Trauma

Studies suggest being informed and prepared for storms lessens the impact of trauma on young children. In this training we provide guidance on how families can better prepare for and respond to hurricanes and the threat of hurricanes in ways that diminish child suffering and trauma in the aftermath of a storm. We identify key factors that can promote resilience in children exposed to tropical weather threats before, during, and after the storm.

Children and Traumatic Stress

Understand traumatic events and their impact on a child’s behavior…

Child Traumatic Stress

Child traumatic stress refers to the physical and emotional responses of a child to events that threaten the life of the child or of someone critically important to the child. Social workers, teachers, counselors and others who plan to work with children in other ways are invited to participate in this informative program to gain an understanding of traumatic events and their impact on a child’s behavior, demeanor and long-term well-being.

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC 101)

A basic overview of child sex trafficking, the extent of the problem and the impact this type of trauma has on children…

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC 101)

This workshop provides a basic overview of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), the extent of the problem and the impact this type of trauma has on children. It also includes tips for identifying and engaging victims of child sex trafficking, and discussion of services needed for healing and reintegration into mainstream society. It is a Florida DCF-approved training for those working with trafficking victims.

Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior

Recognize and respond to sexual behavior problems in school age children…

Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior

Both boys and girls might display sexual behavior problems without sexual abuse victimization being the underlying cause. Recognizing sexual behavior problems versus normal sexual development is important, as is knowing how to respond. Research suggests a quarter to half of child sexual abuse cases involves children acting out on other children, with the behavior impelled by exposure to pornography, domestic violence, or other inappropriate sexualized situations.

Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships

From One Love Foundation.

Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships

Learn how to empower young people with the tools and resources they need to see the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships; empower youth to identify and avoid abuse and to practice healthy love. Multiple courses available including: Amor Del Bueno, The 10 Signs, and more.

Project HeadSTRONG

Mental Well-Being Programs, for both parents and children…

Project HeadSTRONG

Join Kristi House for FREE community programs to help you cope with the challenges life throws your way. For adults and parents, we are now offering a flexible curriculum using evidence-based approaches from Hazelden Publishing. Not a clinical intervention. Topics covered: Anger, Self-Esteem & Self-Compassion, Depression, Anxiety, Shame & Guilt, Grief.

What Every Adult Needs to Know

Learn how to identify signs and symptoms of child sexual abuse, and techniques for prevention…

What Every Adult Needs to Know

What Every Adult Needs to Know presentation is especially designed for parents who would like to be better equipped to prevent child sexual abuse from occurring and for adults working in child-serving organizations. Learn how to identify signs and symptoms of child sexual abuse, understand the dynamics of sexual abuse — particularly the manipulative behavior of perpetrators — and learn techniques to support open communication with children to prevent future victimization. Information about Kristi House services and programs is provided.

Child & Teen Safety Matters

A program to educate and protect school-age children and teens from all types of bullying, abuse, and victimization…

Child Safety Matters

Child Safety Matters® is a comprehensive, evidence-based curriculum for elementary, middle, and high-school aged students. The program educates and empowers children and all relevant adults with information and strategies to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to bullying, cyberbullying, all types of abuse, and the dangers of digital abuse.

NetSmartz Online Safety

A program for children and teens on how to be safer online, and be more aware of potential risks…

NetSmartz Online Safety

NetSmartz, by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, is an online safety education program. It provides age-appropriate videos and activities to help teach children to be safer online with the goal of helping them become more aware of potential online risks and empowering them to help prevent victimization by making safer choices on and offline.

Commercial Sexual Exploitation Safety for Teens

An awareness raising program for middle and high school students on what commercial sexual exploitation is, who it happens to, and how…

Commercial Sexual Exploitation Safety for Teens

This awareness-raising program for middle and high school aged students discusses what commercial sexual exploitation is, who it happens to, and how. Society’s glamorization of prostitution and pornography is explored along with perceptions of self and others. Resources for kids at risk or involved “in the life” are provided. Materials are developed by the U.S. Department of Justice and leading U.S. CSEC programs.

Internet Safety

Learn how your child can stay safe online.

Internet Safety

Parents should stay involved in their children's digital world, know their apps, use parental controls where possible, and block and report people who make them uncomfortable. Learn about how your child can stay safe while enjoying online apps, games, and more by registering for this important webinar.

Stay Safe - Teen Dating

A program for teens on how to protect themselves from human trafficking and exploitation…

Stay Safe - Teen Dating

This program helps teens date more safely and establish healthy relationships. Safety skills include helping teens identify harmful dating behavior and understanding the difference between physical and emotional abuses, while noting the severity and impact of both. The program engages teens through scenarios, role play, and videos to identify the difference between normal conflict and abusive patterns, and to reject abuse as normal.

Not a #Number

A program for teens on how to protect themselves from human trafficking and exploitation…

Not a #Number

Not a #Number is an interactive, five-module prevention curriculum designed to teach youth how to protect themselves from human trafficking and exploitation through information, critical thinking, and skill development. Not a #Number uses a holistic approach focusing on respect, empathy, individual strengths, and the relationship between personal and societal pressures that create or increase vulnerabilities.

Kristi House partners with the Monique Burr Foundation for Children, a leader in abuse and bullying prevention, to implement their comprehensive, evidence-based prevention program called MBF Child Safety Matters® and MBF Teen Safety Matters®. Sign your school up for some in person learning series related to child abuse, bullying, cyberbullying, exploitation and other types of child victimization. Learn more here. We look forward to educating your youth.

2024-25 Catalog of Programs on Required Health Topics for M-DCPS

  • Health Topics for Middle and High Schools (PDF)

Register now for FREE Mental Well-Being Programs, as part of Project HeadSTRONG. These community programs will help you cope with the challenges life throws your way. Programming is available for both parents and children. Learn more:

Keeping Our Children Safe

Kristi House provides training in collaboration with M-DCPS Family Support Services, Parents Helping Parents program.  Keeping Our Children Safe is a virtual presentation that can be viewed in three languages: English, Spanish, and Haitian-Creole.

Safety Planning for the Unexpected

Kristi House provides training in collaboration with M-DCPS Family Support Services, Parents Helping Parents program.  Safety Planning for the Unexpected is a virtual presentation for helping adults devise and adjust plans for keeping children safe during unexpected events.

Education Symposiums

Mental Health Symposiums

  • 2023 – Mental Wellbing Equity Summit (Part 1, Part 2)
  • 2022 – Building Resilience in Today’s Youth (Watch)

Human Trafficking Symposiums

Kristi House Safety Series: Preventing Child Abuse

Join Kristi House Education for conversations with experts, community partners, and advocates dedicated to keeping children safe. Watch all on Facebook or Instagram.

Dr. Toshiba Mitchell, EdD
Director of Prevention Education
Phone: (786) 744-6598
Skype: English
Cristina Nevarez
Prevention Education Specialist
Phone: (305) 547-6818
Skype: English/Spanish

Trauma-Informed & Lived Experience-Informed Language Options


“Caring for Kids: What Parents Need to Know About Sexual Abuse” from National Child Traumatic Stress Network”

English, Spanish

Parent Handbook

English, Spanish, Creole

Kristi House General Information Brochure

English, English Large Format, Spanish, Creole

“Kids Can Make a Difference” – Preparing Kids for Court
Booklet: English

Online Safety Resource Guide


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