
Our Events

Resilience in Youth Virtual Event

Virtual Event

Students: Earn Community Service Hours! Join Kristi House's Prevention & Education Team for a free, hour-long panel where experts and guest speakers will answer questions about resilience, coping skills, and overall...


Webinar: Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior

Virtual Event

A 2-hour webinar from Kristi House about children with problematic sexual behavior... Both boys and girls might display sexual behavior problems and sexual abuse isn’t necessarily a factor. Recognizing and responding to sexual behavior problems is important since research suggests a quarter to half of child sexual abuse involves children acting out on other children....


Webinar: Hurricanes – Supporting Families through Trauma

Virtual Event

Studies suggest being informed and prepared for storms lessen the impact of trauma on young children. In this training, we provide guidance on how families can better prepare for and respond to hurricanes and the threat of hurricanes in ways that diminish child suffering and trauma in the aftermath of a storm. This training also...


Human Trafficking and Exploitation of Men & Boys

Virtual Event

This workshop helps participants develop strategies to engage with male victims of human trafficking. Attendees will gain a broader knowledge of cultural-specific vulnerabilities that place boys and young men at greater risk for sex and labor trafficking, and ways to improve identification and treatment. This session is presented by Nathan Earl, an anti-trafficking pioneer, advocate...


Webinar: The Importance of Dad’s Role in Fostering Healthy Boundaries

Virtual Event

A Father's Day special, learn tips for raising calm, positive, and safe children... Studies suggest that loving, encouraging fathers who respond calmly when their children misbehave or get upset, raise boys who are less aggressive and girls who are less negative with their friends. Join us to learn more on the importance of dad's role...


Hurricanes: Supporting Families Through Trauma (Webinar)

Virtual Event

Studies suggest being informed and prepared for storms lessen the impact of trauma on young children. In this training, we provide guidance Studies suggest being informed and prepared for storms lessen...


Webinar: What Every Adult Needs to Know

Virtual Event

A 2-hour webinar from Kristi House covers what every adult needs to know about child sexual abuse… This online presentation is designed for parents who would like to be better...


Webinar: Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior

Virtual Event

A 2-hour webinar from Kristi House about children with problematic sexual behavior... Both boys and girls might display sexual behavior problems and sexual abuse isn’t necessarily a factor. Recognizing and...


Hurricanes: Supporting Families Through Trauma (Webinar)

Virtual Event

Studies suggest being informed and prepared for storms lessen the impact of trauma on young children. In this training, we provide guidance Studies suggest being informed and prepared for storms lessen...

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