Webinar: Grief – Mental Health Mondays
Webinar: Grief – Mental Health Mondays
Learn to manage grief and loss by joining us in March for Mental Health Mondays...
Learn to manage grief and loss by joining us in March for Mental Health Mondays...
A 3-hour webinar from Kristi House about child sex trafficking, and the commercial sexual exploitation of children… This 3-hour workshop provides a basic overview of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), the extent of the problem, and the impact this type of trauma has on children. It will also include tips for identifying and engaging...
A 2-hour webinar from Kristi House about how traumatic stress affects children and how adults can help... Child traumatic stress refers to the physical and emotional responses of a child to events that threaten the life of the child or of someone critically important to the child. Social workers, teachers, counselors, and others who plan...
Offered in partnership with Nathan Earl of Giant Slayer Communications... National Association of Social Workers Florida Chapter Broward Unit presents "Supporting Individuals Impacted by Commercialized Violence" with Nathan Earl, Principal at Giantslayer, in partnership with Kristi House & Jordan Masciangelo, Creative Director at MenHealing, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. This workshop has been approved...
Learn to manage shame & guilt by joining us in May for Mental Health Mondays...