Some sexual play between young children close in age, such as playing doctor or looking at private parts, is considered normal. However, some children display intrusive, aggressive or coercive sexual behaviors. This is inappropriate and potentially harmful to these children and their peers. Recognizing and responding to sexual behavior problems is important since research suggests a quarter to half of child sexual abuse involves children acting out on other children. We know sexual abuse is devastating for the victim, and, if unchecked, leads to a life of perpetrating for the child exhibiting abusive behavior.
Pre-REQUISITE SKILLS PARTICIPANTS NEED – No prerequisite skills are needed. However the training is most appropriate for school teachers, counselors and administrators, as well as others in child-serving organizations and parents.
THE EVIDENCE-BASED RESEARCH – This 3-hour awareness training was created based on the evidence-based intervention for children with problematic sexual behavior developed by Dr. Barbara Bonner, Ph.D., Director, and The Center on Child Abuse and Neglect at the University of Oklahoma Children’s Physicians Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.
LEARNING FACILITATION – The presentation includes PowerPoint, Audio, Video and Lecture
Objectives – Pre/Post Knowledge Surveys will be given.