
Our Events

Grief (Project HeadSTRONG) – Session 2

Virtual Event

Kristi House Education presents Project HeadSTRONG, FREE Mental Well-Being Programs for Parents: a flexible curriculum using evidence-based approaches from Hazelden Publishing. Not a clinical intervention. REGISTER NOW Sign up now for one or more sessions. For the greatest impact, we encourage you to attend all sessions. Grief helps individuals address the complex emotions associated with...


WEBINAR: Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior (9.17.24)

Virtual Event

Both boys and girls might display sexual behavior problems without sexual abuse victimization being the underlying cause. Recognizing sexual behavior problems versus normal sexual development is important, as is knowing how to respond. Research suggests a quarter to half of child sexual abuse involves children acting out on other children, with the behavior impelled by...


WEBINAR: “10 Signs” by One Love – Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships (9.18.24)

Virtual Event

Participants will watch the 10 Signs Video showcasing signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships. Participants will be guided through discussion and will be able to identify these signs in their own lives, and the relationships they see in movies and TV shows. REGISTER NOW The One Love Foundation is dedicated to improving the relationship health...


Grief (Project HeadSTRONG) – Session 3

Virtual Event

Kristi House Education presents Project HeadSTRONG, FREE Mental Well-Being Programs for Parents: a flexible curriculum using evidence-based approaches from Hazelden Publishing. Not a clinical intervention. REGISTER NOW Sign up now for one or more sessions. For the greatest impact, we encourage you to attend all sessions. Grief helps individuals address the complex emotions associated with...


WEBINAR: “Amor del Bueno” by One Love (9.24.24)

Virtual Event

Julio and Mariana’s relationship may look like amor del bueno or real love on the surface, but this film shows how their unhealthy relationship unfolds. Amor del Bueno is a riveting and relatable 15-minute film written and produced by two former One Love Teen Ambassadors. The film portrays a high school aged Latinx couple going...


WEBINAR: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (9.25.24)

Virtual Event

This 3-hour workshop provides a basic overview of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), the extent of the problem and the impact this type of trauma has on children. It will also include tips for identifying and engaging victims and a discussion of services victims need for healing and reintegration into mainstream society. REGISTER NOW...


Grief (Project HeadSTRONG) – Session 4

Virtual Event

Kristi House Education presents Project HeadSTRONG, FREE Mental Well-Being Programs for Parents: a flexible curriculum using evidence-based approaches from Hazelden Publishing. Not a clinical intervention. REGISTER NOW Sign up now...


WEBINAR: Children and Traumatic Stress (10.24.24)

Virtual Event

Child traumatic stress refers to the physical and emotional responses of a child to events that threaten the life of the child or of someone critically important to the child....

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