
Our Events

WEBINAR: Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior (7.16.24)

Virtual Event

Both boys and girls might display sexual behavior problems without sexual abuse victimization being the underlying cause. Recognizing sexual behavior problems versus normal sexual development is important, as is knowing...


WEBINAR: How Mass Violence Impacts Youth (7.25.24)

Virtual Event

This interactive presentation is offered to gain an understanding of how mass violence, specifically gun violence, impacts youth. We will discuss what experts recommend on how to best respond and...


Shame + Guilt (Project HeadSTRONG) – Session 1

Virtual Event

The Shame and Guilt section is designed to help learners differentiate between shame and guilt, recognize signs of shame in themselves, and identify sources of guilt. A variety of exercises...


CONFERENCE: Violence Against Men and Boys (VAMB)

Virtual Event

The 2024 International Conference on Violence against Men and Boys is a groundbreaking educational and capacity-building event designed to address the often-overlooked issue of violence against men and boys. The...

$99 โ€“ $149

Shame + Guilt (Project HeadSTRONG) – Session 3

Virtual Event

The Shame and Guilt section is designed to help learners differentiate between shame and guilt, recognize signs of shame in themselves, and identify sources of guilt. A variety of exercises...


Shame + Guilt (Project HeadSTRONG) – Session 4

Virtual Event

The Shame and Guilt section is designed to help learners differentiate between shame and guilt, recognize signs of shame in themselves, and identify sources of guilt. A variety of exercises...

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