29 Jul
World Day Against Trafficking In Persons 2020
Category: Latest News
Today on July 30, we honor World Day Against Trafficking In Persons, though our gatherings and events look different this year...
01 Apr
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National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Category: Latest News
With social distancing, stay-at-home orders, and school closures at their peak, we know home may not be the safest place for all. Learn how to keep your children safe during this u...
13 Mar
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Category: Latest News, Uncategorized
As of Wednesday, March 18, 2020, all Kristi House satellite offices will be closed. At the Kristi House Main location and Project GOLD Drop In Center, a skeletal crew will be in pl...
26 Nov
Volunteer Spotlight: The One and Only, Bunny
Category: Spotlights
Around Kristi House, she is known simply as “Bunny.”  For the past 12 years, she has come weekly, rain or shine, with generous doses of compassion, kindness and her signature sense...
25 Nov
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Calling All Bridge Builders!
Category: Latest News
You are invited to join Kristi House CEO Amanda Altman as a champion for our newest initiative called Bridge Builders. This fundraising campaign outlines strategic priorities and g...
25 Nov
Board Spotlight: Andrea L. Loeb, Psy.D., P.A.
Category: Spotlights
Kristi House is fortunate to have a number of its most ardent supporters involved since its inception. It was back in 1995, and the nonprofit was just getting started when Dr. Andr...
25 Nov
Corporate Spotlight: Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
Category: Spotlights
One of our founding corporate supporters, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. (RCL), has made a big impact on our organization, and the thousands of children and families we’ve served thr...
25 Nov
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Staff Spotlight: Bradel Canfield, Project GOLD Program Manager
Category: Spotlights
Bradel was naturally drawn to helping Project GOLD girls overcome trafficking three years ago when she began as a volunteer sharing her skills as a yoga instructor, teaching weekly...
25 Nov
Board Spotlight: Kara Zeder Rosen, President
Category: Spotlights
Kara Zeder Rosen has brought us through several years of incredible growth, overcoming challenges to provide services that our community needs. Earlier this year, the top-producing...
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